LIFT UP Business

LIFT UP Business
How could LIFT UP Business help you?
Designed to give you personalized high level support, this program will equips you with practical and mindfulness tools you need to get to grow your business faster and stronger.
Business Plan
Gain clarity on your business vision with specific tools and actions and create a successful SMART business plan.
Launching in the market
Ready, set and go! wild into the market with assertiveness.
First 90 days
Get support at your entrepreneurial beginnings to ensure sustained performance, balance and growth in this high stress environment and make your business both stable and profitable in a short amount of time
Balance work/Life
Learn effective tools in how to prioritize, create healthy boundaries, become assertive and skillfully manage scheduling and most importantly, feel good about your choices and stick to them. Enhance the quality of your entrepreneurial time at work and personal time at home and get more enjoyment and fulfilment from your life in general.