
Dear Nathalie, You’ve come into my life to help me build up my confidence, to reflect my deepest values and strengths. I am grateful for giving me my trust back, for showing me my beauty, me uniqueness, for being so supportive, non-judgmental. I’m grateful for your joy, which is heard in your voice, for your passion for life, since I can ‘see’ your smile across the phone every time we have a coaching session. Thank you for reminding me of my self-worth, for believing in my power to create what I most desire and deserve, for allowing me to really trust I can help people, I can be a great ‘coach’, for co-creating this safe place where I can express both my deepest dreams and my anger, where I can share both my light and my shadow. Thank you for listening so powerfully, for sharing your energy, for being there for me and being part of my support team. Just THANK YOU!
Samanta M., Argentina

Nathalie is a great coach with outstanding listening skills and intuitive approach. She is able to support effectively her clients and open a space of trust for awareness and action. I had the pleasure to be coached by her and move forward on my personal project. I highly recommend her.
Nawal B., Singapore

I was first acquainted with Nathalie through our kids’ school and mutual friends, but I quickly realized that she was a very good listener and encourager. Her bright personality and positive outlook on life really left a lasting impression on me. She has a way of making people feel at ease. Most importantly, when I confided in her during a period I was struggling with depression and my situation in life, her ability to counsel me and help me to gain a new outlook was instrumental. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I am grateful to have her in my life and I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a role model, counselor, mentor, motivator, or just a listening ear.
Jina L, USA

Je me suis adressée à Nathalie que l’on m’avait conseillé. Au début, je partais dans l’idée que le coach ferait tout le travail […] et que j’apprendrai. Mais, notre relation a été tout autre. Comme Nathalie me disait si bien » si un homme a faim, ne lui donne pas ton poisson mais apprends lui a pécher” Et c’est ce que j’ai appris, […] à ne pas me sous-estimer même si j’ai des lacunes […]. De part son écoute et sa grande empathie, Nathalie a mis en avant mes qualités et m’a montré toute la puissance que ces qualités pouvaient m’apporter. La relation de confiance s’est vite installée et j’ai pu parler en toute liberté. Cela m’a beaucoup aidé. Les idées me venaient au fur et à mesure, je n’avais plus d’appréhension. Nathalie a été une aide indispensable dans mes projets personnels et professionnels. Cette aide a été le déclic et m’a apporté une certaine confiance qui me permets d’entreprendre pleins de choses, […] Je la recommande sans hésitation! Un grand MERCI pour tout.
Monique S., Thailand

Vous avez réussi à m’ouvrir des portes alors que je ne voyais que des murs aveugles. […] Merci de m’avoir permis de constater que j’ai les cartes en main. […] Vôtre écoute, vôtre bienveillance, vôtre art de poser les questions qui me font chercher au fond des tripes les réponses, vôtre analyse clairvoyante, vos conseils précieux, vôtre dédramatisation de la situation et vôtre enthousiasme sur mon futur épanouissement perso font de vous quelqu’un d’une compétence et d’une efficacité rassurante et… sidérante ! Ouais, vous êtes vraiment scotchante ! Je suis convaincue que ce boulot est fait pour vous (ou vous pour lui). Continuez à libérer les gens de cette prison qu’ils fabriquent eux-même et dont ils ont peur de sortir, ne sachant pas qu’est ce qu’il y a dehors. Merci du fond du coeur.
Colette M., France

I did not know anything about expat coaching. I was busy with my new business. I did not have enough time for my kids, not enough time for my husband, not enough time to do my work, even not enough time for myself. I could never see the light at the end of the tunnel !!! Nathalie helped me to gain clarity around my issues by asking the proper questions that prompted me to think. She was thoughtful in her approach, listened to my comments, and then asked powerful questions that enabled me to identify the solutions that would work best for me. It was a very positive and motivating experience. I would recommend Nathalie to anyone who is having a tough time to manage her own life, running all day from one thing to another.
Shirin G., Thailand

J’ai la chance d’avoir Nathalie comme coach. Au fils du temps elle a réussie a me redonner confiance pour ma vie personnelle et professionnelle. Puisque j ai eu la chance de décrocher un travail pendant la période de coaching. Sa bonne humeur et son enthousiasme sont une vraie motivation pour réussir et du coup les rendez vous deviennent un moment sympa. Si vous avez besoin de vous faire coacher, je vous recommande vivement Nathalie.
Elodie D.S., Thailand

Nathalie soft and thorough coaching approach creates a comfortable space to open-up and make an honest self-assessment. I strongly recommend Nathalie to start your journey to mindfulness and self-improvement.
Marc-Olivier R., Thailand

I was privileged to have Nathalie as my coach while I was working hard on finishing my own coaching degree. By partnering with Nathalie, I was able to approach my larger tasks in smaller, more manageable steps. She also helped me create awareness around what I needed more of in my life in order to feel whole and fulfilled. Besides being a fantastic coach, Nathalie is lovely to talk to. She is so welcoming and enthusiastic, and she truly knows how to listen to what is said and not said. I can’t recommend her enough!
Gabrielle G., USA

I had the pleasure of working with Nathalie for approximately 3 months whilst I was trying to balance full-time work with a toddler and trying to complete the course work for my coaching qualification, all whilst readjusting to life in the UK after Switzerland. Nathalie’s sessions are very supportive and encouraging and provide the space to deeply explore what is coming up at that time. She helped me to gain perspective, cut to the core of what was important and together we came up with actions that enabled me to integrate all the different aspects together and achieve what I wanted to. I would highly recommend Nathalie for her work with business mum’s and expat women.e.
Catherine E., England

I had the pleasure of being coached by Nathalie to prepare for job interviews. I was particularly impressed by her preparation techniques. After just one coaching session with Nathalie, I already felt much more confident. And had great results. I can only highly recommend her!
Astrid C.S., Thailand

Nathalie has strong social skills, sales skills, and is very creative, reliable, trustworthy and highly organized. Nathalie is the person who gets things done. I would definitely recommend her to anyone.
Onno S., Hong Kong

I can wholeheartedly endorse Nathalie for an abundance of passion, enthusiasm and energy. She was excellent at her role of training and motivating newcomers and I would recommend her leadership talents and integrity without question.
Michael Paul S., Thailand

Nathalie is a great coach ! She’s a complete peoples person who understands an individual and caters the program in enhancing ones morality and confidence. A great listener, someone I would highly recommend.
Sahib A., Thailand

I was blessed to be coached by Nathalie at a time when I was laidoff. The advice helped me land my next assignment. Recommended.
Mark M., Malaysia

It was fantastic to work with Nathalie. At a certain point in mycareer and life, i needed a helpful insight to focus on my valuesand goals. She managed to get me back on track quickly andrealize my potential. Nathalie is trustworthy, empathetic andhighly professional, i cannot recommend her enough.
Orianne C., Thailand

Nathalie is an outstanding coach for professional careerdevelopment, great advisor, good listener. No doubt she is theone you need to get contact for next career move. Thanks Nathalie for your amazing consultation.
Nareerat J., Thailand

I have worked with Natalie for some period and I find her to be a great coach and motivator for professionals she showed me insights and how to bring myself to be my best and also how I could package myself better into the job market In addition, she put in the extra effort to be as humane as possible and to understand the situation we are in and hot to leapfrog ourselves further as individual mentally and spiritually Hence, I am glad to have her professional services rendered to me during this time I wish her all the very best in her future undertakings and her career path
James T.J.K., Malaysia

Nathalie is an outstanding coach for the career development, she is good listener and great advisor. Thanks Nathalie for your amazing consultation.
Wee C.O., Malaysia

You want to learn the true power of LinkedIn, Nathalie is your person. Nathalie provides dynamic, informative, practical LinkedIn consulting. Her enthusiasm is infectious! I learned more about Personal and Professional Branding on LinkedIn from Nathalie in 2 hours than I’d ever figured out on my own. I now feel confident to manage my own page and am looking forward to ongoing training with the talented and skilled Nathalie! Thank you so much Nathalie. You’re brilliant!